Ingredients: ( for blueberry popsicle – sugarfree popsicle )
Blueberry – 1/2 cup ( or 100 gms )
coconut cream ( or milk ) – 200 ml
Dates – 6 ( deseeded & soaked 3 hours )
water – 1/4 cup ( 60 ml )
Step 1) Into a blender, add the soaked dates and water, blueberry, water and blend for a minute
Step 2) Add the coconut milk or cream and mix.
Step 3) Pour into the popsicle mould or kulfi mould and cover the popsicle stick on top.
Step 4) Freeze for minimum 8 hours or overnight.
Step 5) To thaw: Place under warm running water or let it stand on a warm water bath for 30 seconds… and enjoy 🙂