How to offer egg for 1 year baby/toddler

3 ways to offer egg for 12+ months baby ( for toothless, 2+ teeth, 4+ teeth, 6+ teeth baby )


Recipe #1
Egg Custard ( for toothless & 2+ teeth baby )

Ingredients: ( for #1 – Egg custard )
1 egg
1 cup – milk
2 tsp – sugar ( or 2 tsp agave nectar )
How much to serve:
Serve 1/2 cup  = for 12 – 15 months baby
Serve 1 cup = for 16 – 24 months baby

Step 1) Get ready with all the ingredients
Step 2)  Into a saucepan, add 1 cup milk, 1 egg, 2 tsp sugar and stir or whisk for 20 seconds ..
Step 3) Heat the pan on medium-high heat and bring it to a boil .. ( keep stirring the whole-time ) ..
Step 4) Once it starts boiling, reduce to low and cook for 8 minutes until it thickens .. ( keep stirring )
note: stir like an ‘8’ to prevent scorching ..
Step 5) After 8 minutes (once thick), turn off the heat ..

Immediately, pour into a bowl.. This is the best way of offering egg for toothless or 2+ teeth baby .. Serve warm..

egg custard recipe, how to offer egg for baby, egg recipes for toddler, 12months baby egg recipe

Recipe #2 – Omelette recipe ( for 4+ teeth baby )

Ingredients: ( for #2 – omelette )
1 egg
1/2 tsp – oil
salt – pinch
pepper – pinch
How much to serve: ( for 1+ year baby )
Offer half egg = for 12 – 15 months baby
Offer 1 egg = for 16 – 24 months baby

Step 1) Crack 1 egg, add a pinch of pepper & salt. Beat for few seconds..
Step 2) Heat a frying pan, pour a tsp of oil. Tilt and coat the pan..
Step 3) Pour the beaten egg and swirl the pan to coat ..
Step 4) Once the top is set, flip and cook for 30 seconds…
( You can also cut and flip for small portions..)
Step 5)  Once done, take half of omelette, cut into small pieces and offer.

You can offer small pieces as finger food..

omelette recipe for baby, 4+ teeth baby recipe, how to eggs to babies, c4cooking egg recipes for baby

Recipe #3 – Boiled egg recipe ( for 6+ teeth baby )

Ingredients: ( for #3 – boiled egg )
1 – hard boiled egg ( fully cooked yolk )
How much to serve: ( for 1+ year baby )
Offer half egg = for 12 – 15 months baby
Offer 1 egg = for 16 – 24 months baby

Step 1) Boil the egg ( until the yolk is fully cooked) ..and cut into small pieces..
Cut into tiny pieces.. ( you can also offer this as finger food )..

Offer it plain or with a pinch of pepper and salt.. ( my little-girl loves with pepper & salt 😀

boiled egg recipe for 12+ months baby, how to give eggs to baby, egg recipes for toddlers
Important tip when starting eggs for first time:
  • If you are offering egg for the first time, offer in the morning (for breakfast) or lunch to help with digestion.
  • Never try egg for the first time after 4pm or at night as this can lead to indigestion, vomiting or allergies.
Allergies in babies:
note: -> If you like to offer for babies less than 12 months, make omlette with the yolk (yellow part) and serve..
-> do not offer ‘ egg white ‘ to babies less than 12 months, as it can lead to severe allergies for most babies..-> Egg allergy :
some babies are allergic to nuts, egg etc.,
watch for unusual signs or symptoms – like runny nose, skin reactions (hives, swelling, redness),(rash around mouth, nose, eyes ) diarrhea, nausea, vomiting or shortness of breath.-> Sometimes the reactions can be severe, please seek medical assistance immediately.
how to offer egg for babies, 3 ways to offer egg for 1+ baby toddler, egg recipes for toddler

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