Pizza and Garlic BREADSTICKS recipe

( Pizza n Garlic ) BREADSTICKS – 2 in 1 recipe

This Pizza n Garlic – BREADSTICKS is sort of an ‘entertainment evening snack’ or a movie-night bite! The recipe is very simple with most of the ingredients already sitting in your pantry or refrigerator… yet munchingly MOUTH-WATERING !!.. Let’s see how to make this 2 in 1 bread sticks :)..



Ingredients:  ( for Pizza n Garlic  BREADSTICKS )

For the dough ( same for pizza+ garlic bread ) :
2.5 Cups – Plain flour / All Purpose flour
salt – 1/2 tsp
Olive oil – 2 tsp
Yeast – 1 tsp
Water – as needed to make a soft dough

For the pizza-sticks topping:
1/2 bell pepper – chopped (any color),
green/black olives – 6 chopped,
jalapeno – 3 slices ( fine chopped )
1/2 cup – mozzarella cheese shreds (or mixed pizza cheese)
note: feel free to add any topping you wish..

For instant light sauce
2 tsp ketchup
2 tsp thai sweet chilli sauce

For the garlic-bread spread
1/4 cup butter ( thawed – like creamy consistency)
3 fresh garlic – crushed or finely chopped
oregano (dried or fresh) – 1/2 tsp, (optional – add a pinch of dried/fresh thyme)
pepper powder – 1/8 tsp,
salt – 1/4 tsp or to taste (skip salt if you are using salted butter)


Step 1)
Into a big bowl, add 1/4 cup luke-warm water and add the yeast. Cover and let it ferment for 5 minutes.

Step 2) To the yeast bowl, add the flour, salt, olive oil and make a medium-soft dough by adding little water at a time. Knead for a minute. Coat with some oil, cover and let it double ( takes 45 minutes – 1 hour).

Meantime prepare the pizza topping, sauce and garlic bread spread…

Step 3) Prepare the pizza topping:
Chop the bellpepper, olives, jalapeno and take 1/2 cup of cheese

Step 4)
Prepare instant light sauce:
In a small bowl, add the ketchup, thai sweet chilli sauce and mix well.

Step 5) Prepare the garlic-bread spread:

  • microwave the butter piece for 20 sec.(almost melted with a small piece-in)
  • add freshly crushed garlic
  • oregano and (optional – thyme)
  • pepper powder, salt and mix well… (should look like a thick butter paste)

Step 6) Take a big baking sheet, line with foil and coat some oil. ( use parchment paper or baking-mat for a non-sticky result)

Step 7) Lightly dust and roll the dough into an oval or rectangle shape and about (1/2″  thick)…and cut vertical strips (about 2″ wide)  using a pizza cutter or knife.

Step 8) Place the strips on the baking sheet and let it rest for 15 minutes.

Step 9) Pre-heat the Oven to 190 C / 375 F

Step 10) Decide how many garlic breads and pizza sticks you want. I made 4 garlic bread sticks and 4 pizza sticks (alternatively)
  • First, I decorated the pizza sticks:
    -> Coat the (pizza) sticks with the prepared sauce on top
    -> Add the cheese on top and add the chopped pizza toppings ( feel free to arrange the toppings of your choice)
  •  For the other 4 sticks, brush the prepared ‘garlic-bread spread’ on top (like a thick layer)

Step 11) Bake at 190 C for 11 – 12 minutes only (or until you see uneven orange spots on top of cheese )

Step 12) Once ready, take out and let it be on the tray for 5 minutes…
………… and then start munching :)…

pizza garlic breadsticks



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