Eggless no-oven Wheat Chocolate cake recipe ( for 1+ toddlers & kids )
” Moist eggless wheat chocolate birthday cake recipe without oven ” ..
Ingredients: ( for eggless wheat chocolate cake )
3/4 cup – sugar ( 150 gms )
1/2 cup – butter ( 100 gms )
1/4 cup – oil ( 2 tbsp )
1/4 cup – yogurt / curd ( 2 tbsp )
1 cup – milk ( 200 ml )
1 cup – whole wheat flour (atta) ( 220 gms )
1/2 cup – cocoa powder ( 100 gms )
3/4 tsp – baking powder
1/4 tsp – baking soda
1/4 tsp – salt
Ingredients: ( for dark chocolate icing )
100 gms – cream ( 1/2 cup )
1/4 cup – sugar ( 2 tbsp )
1 tsp – vanilla essence
250 gms – baking/cooking dark chocolate
Ingredients: ( for decoration )
50 gms – cream ( 1/4 cup )
100 gms – baking/cooking white chocolate
Step 1) Get ready with all the ingredients ..
Step 2) Line the cake pan with baking paper and brush with melted butter ..
Step 3) Into a bowl, add the sugar, butter and whisk until creamy .. ( for 1 minute )..
Step 4) Add the oil, yogurt and whisk for 30 seconds ..
Step 5) Into a strainer or sifter, add the wheat flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, salt and mix ..
Step 6) Sift in 3 batches and whisk in circular motion.. ( it will be thick towards the end )..
Step 7) Pour little milk at a time and make a smooth free-flowing batter
Step 8) Using a flat spatula, fold the batter ( 5 – 6 times )..
Step 9) Pour into the greased cake pan ..
Step 10) To cook the cake:
- Take a pressure cooker or a heavy pan..
- add 1 cup salt and spread evenly..
- place a pressure cooker stand or a tall stand (like this)
- remove the rubber gasket.. and place the lid on top
- Heat on high for 5 minutes ..
- carefully, place the cake on the stand ..
- Place lid on top ( no rubber gasket )..
- Heat on high for 5 minutes ..
- After 5 minutes, reduce to medium and cook for 35 minutes ( or until cooked )..
- After 35 minutes, check with a toothpick by inserting in the centre of the cake.. should be dry ( no sticky batter ) .. if there is cake crumbs sticking to the toothpick, press and feel if it’s sticky or dry cake.. if dry, the cake is ready..
- if the toothpick is sticky, cook for another 10 minutes..
- It took 40 minutes for me .. once ready, takeout and place on a cake cooling rack for 2 minutes
- Run a knife around the edges and carefully flip the cake pan on to another plate.. After 2 minutes, slowly remove the cakepan
- If the cake is sticking to the pan, do this.. ( wet a kitchen tissue with cold water, squeeze out excess water and wipe on top & sides of cake pan .. let it sit for 2 minutes.. now remove the cake tin.. hopefully, the cake comes off the pan 😀
- Gently, remove the baking paper/wax paper ( if it’s sticking to the cake ).. Flip the cake.. and let it cool completely before icing ( can take from 3 – 5 hours ).. to speedup, you can refrigerate the cake for 1 – 2 hours..
Step 11) As the cake is cooling, make the chocolate icing
- Into a pan, pour 100ml cream, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp vanilla
- Bring it to a boil.. once it boils, turn off and pour into a bowl
- Add 250gms dark chocolate pieces ( cooking/baking chocolate)
- Mix until smooth.. Let it cool down.. shoul be thick for icing ( takes 1 – 2 hours ).. you can speedup by placing in a bowl of cold water or refrigerate for 30 minutes..
Step 12) If you like to decorate ( to write ‘happy birthday’ or other simple decoration ), you can make this easy ‘ White chocolate icing ‘
- Into a pan, pour 1/4 cup cream (50ml) and bring it to a boil
- Once it boils, remvoe from heat
- Add 100gms white chocolate pieces ( cooking/baking white chocolate )
- Mix until smooth.. let it cool down.. should be thick for decoration ( takes 1 – 2 hours ).. to speedup, place in a bowl of cold water or refrigerate for 30 minutes
- Once the icing is thick, place in a ziploc bag or plastic bag and tie the top..
- Cut the tip of the bag to make a tiny hole..
Step 13) Once the cake is completely cool,.. start icing..
- first, trim the top of cake to level it ( top should be flat without uneven surface ).. use a serrated or bread knife to trim the cake (as this will prevent the cake from breaking .. and cuts easily ).. ( you can check the above video for this part )
- Place some chocolate icing on top ( icing should be thick ) and smoothen the top..
- Place some icing towards the edges and coat the sides of the cake
- For tips about ‘ how to easily ice the cake ‘ check the above video ‘ )
- Once you finish icing, decorate with white chocolate icing as you wish ! .. i just wrote ‘ Happy Birthday ‘ 😀
- You can make this cake 2 – 3 days ahead of birthday.. place a big plastic bowl or pan over the cake ( careful not to touch the top or sides of the cake ) and refrigerate until the BIG Day !.. ( you can see the above video as how I refrigerated ) ..
- Remember to takeout the cake 1 – 2 hours before cutting ( let it sit in room temperature until cutting for a MOIST delicious melt-in-mouth CAKE 😀 ..and ennn..joooyyy.. 😀